Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What "CURVY" Means to Us

Hey Lovelies! So today's post is a little different. I was approached by another blogger InMyJoi to participate in a combined blog post with a few other bloggers on a word that is used around the the plus size community a lot..."Curvy!" And I thought this would be a great opportunity and I couldn't resist not to join in on the topic. 

So in the following blog post I hope you get to know a little bit more about me and my feelings towards the word "CURVY!" So first off, if you don't follow my blog Hello my name is Nina and my blog is named Curvy Mod and when I thought of what to name my blog I liked the adjective "Curvy" because I thought it was a great alternative to plump and plus-size which are two words I use to describe myself as well but I thought "Curvy" was the better fit for me. So yeah that's just a little introduction of myself. 

1. Explain how you define the word Curvy...
So by definition Curvy means a continuous bending line that has no straight straight lines. That definition is pretty accurate and to me the word means the curves in your body like the curve in your stomach, the curve of your breast, the curve in your hips, the curve in your back. Their are so many curves in your body that the word "Curvy" can be used to describe so many people not just one specific type of person. 

2. Do you Consider yourself to be Curvy...
Yes I do, I believe I have curves in my body, like the Curve of my stomach, the curves on my hips, my curves might not be as prominent but they are there. 

3. Has your perception of the definition of the word curvy changed, since joining the online plus-size community...
Honestly I still feel the same way about the word but I think being part of the online plus-size community has shown me how diverse the word "Curvy" can really be and how amazing all these women are. 

4. How do you feel about the public's perception of the word curvy and it's use in the plus-size community...
When thinking of how the public perceives the word curvy, I looked it up online and I got two things, "Curvy" meaning a person that has an hourglass figure or "Curvy" as a word that is an alternative to the word fat. According to urban dictionary one of the definitions said, people use "Curvy" instead of fat so the person wont feel bad. Which I totally disagree with. 

I think the plus-size community is showing that the word "Curvy" has such a diverse meaning of body types that can it be associated with so many different women. I also feel like the plus-size community is showing that women of all shapes and sizes can be "Curvy" and taking the word and owning it, "Curvy" women of all shapes and sizes can be stylish and amazing. 

Thank you for reading, Now don't forget to check out the other #psbloggers and what "CURVY" means to them! 

XOXO ~ Nina ~
{Don't forget to Follow}


  1. Great post Nina! I definitely agree with you that all people have curves in one way or another. Whether society wants to see it as a negative, I'm comfortable with using curvy to describe myself:)

    1. Thanks Lauren and yeah I think that's the important thing as long as your happy with yourself and comfortable using curvy use it!

  2. Love your sentiments Nina and especially the definition of 'curvy'! The plus size community is taking the word curvy, and OWNING it! All women are beautiful, irregardless of size, shape, and body type.

    1. Thanks again for asking me to join Joi! But yes all women are beautiful no matter size or shape!

  3. I think you nailed it when you mentioned the differing definitions of "curvy" from Urban Dictionary. The notion that we use the word "curvy" to make ourselves feel better about being fat assumes 1) that being fat is something we should be ashamed of, and 2) that we're in denial about our bodies and are therefore trying to convince ourselves we're not fat. The definition itself is fat-shaming.

    I like that you challenged the definition and talked about using "curvy" as a descriptor out of choice, that it's the word that felt right for you. I respect that. And I think you're right: plus size women are claiming "curvy" for themselves because it isn't a shameful word. Their bodies are what they are, and we shouldn't devalue them by using words that are meant to shame and embarrass. And that goes for all bodies, not just plus size ones. :-)

    <3 Liz

    1. I totally agree with you Liz! But yeah I was actually really surprised when I read the definitions on urban dictionary. But yeah we shouldn't devalue anyone no matter what size or shape they are.

  4. You said it all. . .Thanks! All I hope is that when people see me all they see is CONFIDENCE.

    1. Thank you and yes confidence is beautiful in any women no matter shape or size.

  5. Great post! I loved reading your thoughts.

  6. Curve is something unique to me., something like a perfect flaw that make us stand out and be proud. yeah that's what my curves taught me. haha!


    1. Great interpretation cassie and yes you should be proud of your curves girl! :)

  7. Great post, Nina! Curvy to me is a shape, not a size. Women tend to have curves. :-)



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